
Minggu, 21 November 2010

rails http status code and symbol

Status CodeStatus MessageSymbol
1xx Informational
101Switching Protocols:switching_protocols
2xx Success
203Non-Authoritative Information:non_authoritative_information
204No Content:no_content
205Reset Content:reset_content
206Partial Content:partial_content
226IM Used:im_used
3xx Redirection
300Multiple Choices:multiple_choices
301Moved Permanently:moved_permanently
303See Other:see_other
304Not Modified:not_modified
305Use Proxy:use_proxy
307Temporary Redirect:temporary_redirect
4xx Client Error
400Bad Request:bad_request
402Payment Required:payment_required
404Not Found:not_found
405Method Not Allowed:method_not_allowed
406Not Acceptable:not_acceptable
407Proxy Authentication Required:proxy_authentication_required
408Request Timeout:request_timeout
411Length Required:length_required
412Precondition Failed:precondition_failed
413Request Entity Too Large:request_entity_too_large
414Request-URI Too Long:request_uri_too_long
415Unsupported Media Type:unsupported_media_type
416Requested Range Not Satisfiable:requested_range_not_satisfiable
417Expectation Failed:expectation_failed
422Unprocessable Entity:unprocessable_entity
424Failed Dependency:failed_dependency
426Upgrade Required:upgrade_required
5xx Server Error
500Internal Server Error:internal_server_error
501Not Implemented:not_implemented
502Bad Gateway:bad_gateway
503Service Unavailable:service_unavailable
504Gateway Timeout:gateway_timeout
505HTTP Version Not Supported:http_version_not_supported
507Insufficient Storage:insufficient_storage
510Not Extended:not_extended

source: http://www.codyfauser.com/2008/7/4/rails-http-status-code-to-symbol-mapping

Rabu, 17 November 2010

[shared] array/hash support for system_settings


# system_settings/lib/system_setting.rb

class SystemSetting < ActiveRecord::Base
@@data = {}

validates_length_of :name, :in => 1..255
validates_uniqueness_of :name

serialize :value

def self.[](name)
name = name.to_s unless name.is_a? String
return @@data[name] unless @@data[name].nil?
p = SystemSetting.find_by_name(name)
@@data[name] = p ? p.value.freeze : nil

def self.[]=(name, value)
name = name.to_s unless name.is_a? String
p = SystemSetting.find_or_initialize_by_name(name)
@@data[name] = p.value = value

[shared] Unsigned int support for migration

currently rails only allow signed int for migration, but for best practice it's better to use unsigned int for some cases

you can force migration to unsigned int by doing something like this

t.column :unsigned_value, "integer unsigned"

but that kinda ugly to see.
luckily rob anderton (thewebfellas.com) already created monkey patch to add unsigned support: http://thewebfellas.com/assets/2008/9/30/active_record_unsigned.rb

the patch will add :unsigned option in migration so you can do something like this:

t.integer :unsigned_value, :unsigned => true

furthermore the patch will make default table id and foreign key to unsigned int(11), but make sure to use t.references to create foreign key or simply use :unsigned => true

important things:

- for existing project this patch might break table relation because it will create unsigned int foreign key but the primary key might be signed int from old migration
- some plugin like role_requirement will generate migration that using t.integer for foreign key instead of t.references, you need to change this manually
- the patch will only change mysql adapter, so it will not work for other adapter

[shared] Rails migration integer limit

:limit Numeric Type Column Size Signed Max value Unsigned Max value
1 TINYINT(4) 1 byte 127 255
2 SMALLINT(6) 2 bytes 32767 65535
3 MEDIUMINT(9) 3 bytes 8388607 16777215
4 and others INT(11) 4 bytes 2147483647 4294967295
5..8 BIGINT(20) 8 bytes 9223372036854775807 18446744073709551615

Minggu, 14 November 2010

[shared] rails user role system


- ruby script/generate roles Role User

installation will do:

  • Generates habtm table, creates role.rb with the habtm declaration. Adds declaration in user.rb (scans the code for "class User < ActiveRecord::Base", and puts the new code right after it.

  • Creates an admin user in users.yml, with a role named admin in roles.yml, including a fixture to demonstrate how to relate roles to users in roles_users.yml

  • Modify the user.rb (or corresponding user model) file, add the instance method has_role?

  • Generates RoleRequirementSystem against for the corresponding user model.

  • Generates a migration to make the necessary database changes

  • Scans ApplicationController, inserts the lines "include AuthenticatedSystem", and "include RoleRequirementSystem", if not already included.

  • Scans test_helper.rb and adds "includes RoleRequirementTestHelpers", if not already included.

- add require_role "role_name" in controller, similar to before_filter