
Tampilkan postingan dengan label ajax. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label ajax. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Aborting AJAX Request

For some functions like autocomplete, usually we send ajax request whenever user stop typing (by using timeout), but if the request takes a long time to finish, user might sending another request while the previous one isn't done yet, in worst case scenario this might cause the requests complete order messed up therefore the result will be invalid.

We can prevent this by aborting previous ajax request before sending a new one.
XMLHttpRequest object have abort() function we can use for that purpose, documented here:

in the following jquery script, i have a 2 text fields sending ajax request onkeyup that always completed in 2 seconds and adding the inputted text in the result div, the first one will have stackable ajax request, and the other one will prevent ajax request stacking by using abort

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

[shared] rails render_invalid method


provide DRY solution for rendering (or redirecting) from controller on invalid request, such as failed validation on create/update


- jquery js framework
- notifications helper from my earlier post about custom ajax helper:


# render invalid request to show error message depend on request type
# example:
#   render_invalid "Update failed."
#     ajax: show error notification with message "Update failed."
#     html: simply render text "Update failed."
#   render_invalid "Save failed.", :render => {:action => "new"}
#     ajax: show error notification with message "Save failed."
#     html: render action new with "Save failed." flash message
#   render_invalid "Save failed.", :render => {:action => "new"}, :flash => false
#     same as above but without flash for html
#   render_invalid "You can't do that.", :redirect_to => {:action => "index"}, :flash => false, :status => :unauthorized
#     same as above but redirecting to index instead of rendering new for html
#     and using unauthorized(401) status instead of not_acceptable(406)
#   render_invalid "Update failed.", :object => @user, :fields_wrapping => true
#     ajax: show error notification with addition of object's error messages and wrap error fields with div class fieldWithErrors
#     html: same as ajax minus fields wrapping
def render_invalid message="Error.", options={:flash => true}
  options[:status] ||= :not_acceptable
  message += "
#{options[:object].errors.full_messages.join(' ')}
" if options[:object].present? respond_to do |format| format.js do render(:update, :status => options[:status]) do |page| page << notification_error(message) if options[:object].present? && options[:fields_wrapping] page.rjs_clean_error_fields request page.rjs_apply_error_fields options[:object], request end end end format.html do if options[:render].present? flash.now[:error] = message if options[:flash] render options[:render].try(:merge, {:status => options[:status]}) || {:text => message, :status => options[:status]} elsif options[:redirect_to].present? flash[:error] = message if options[:flash] redirect_to options[:redirect_to] else render :text => message, :status => options[:status] end end end end

application_helper.rb (only if you use ajax error fields wrapping)
def rjs_apply_error_fields object, request
  klass_name = object.class.name.underscore
  wrapper = "
" object.errors.each do |attr, msg| attr = attr.split(".") page << "var $fields = $(), $container = $('\##{klass_name}_#{object.id || "new"}');" page << "if(!$container.length) $container = $('form[action=\\'#{request.request_uri}\\']');" page << "if(!$container.length) $container = $(document);" if attr.length > 1 object.send(attr.first).each_with_index do |x,i| page << "$fields = $fields.add('[id^=#{klass_name}_#{attr.first}_attributes][id$=#{attr.last}]:eq(#{i}),label[for^=#{klass_name}_#{attr.first}_attributes][for$=#{attr.last}]:eq(#{i})', $container)" if x.errors.on(attr.last) end else page << "$fields = $('label[for=#{klass_name}_#{attr}],\##{klass_name}_#{attr}', $container);" end page << "if(!$fields.parent('.fieldWithErrors').length)" page << "$fields.wrap('#{wrapper}')" end end def rjs_clean_error_fields request page << "$('.fieldWithErrors.rjs_#{request.request_method}_#{request.request_uri.gsub(/_=\d+($|&)/, "").parameterize} *').unwrap();" end


users_controller.rb (using non ajax form)

def create
  @user = User.new(params[:user])
  unless @user.save
    render_invalid "Failed to register.", :object => @user, :render => {:action => "new"}
    flash[:info] = "Registration success, please check your email to activate."
    redirect_to login_path

users_controller.rb (using ajax form)

def update
  @user = current_user
  unless @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
    render_invalid "Profile update failed.", :object => @user, :fields_wrapping => true

and update.js.rjs (for success behavior)
page << notification_info "Profile updated."
page.rjs_clean_error_fields request # used for cleaning error fields wrapping
#... other necessary action ...

additional tips

depending on your site style, it might be a good idea to change the div wrapper in rjs_apply_error_fields helper to span. you can also change rails standard error field wrapper for non-ajax form, see this post